What are eBooks?

An eBook, also known as an electronic book, digital book, or e-book, is a book available in digital format. According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, an eBook is "an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a computer or handheld device."


eCopies of Textbooks: Snapplify

  • Access digital textbooks, resources, and library books through Snapplify, the South African e-learning platform. For guidance, refer to the instructions provided in this PDF document.


Reading eBooks online

  • You can access eBooks online using standard software on most computers and portable devices.
  • If specific software is required to open and read an eBook online, it often includes its own software (e.g., eBook Central).
  • On library computers, online reading of eBooks is the only option available.

Reading eBooks offline

  • If a downloading or offline option is not presented, it is unavailable.
  • PDF documents not protected by digital rights management (DRM) software can typically be downloaded to most PCs without requiring additional software.
  • To download eBooks to your computer or device, you need a free Adobe account and the free Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software. Adobe Digital Editions allows you to access eBooks in ePub or PDF format that are protected with Adobe Digital Rights Management (DRM).


  1. Download Adobe Digital Editions.

  2. Install Adobe Digital Editions.

    • During the installation, select the option to "Authorize Computer."

    • Log in with your Adobe ID and Password.

      Note: If you choose not to authorize your computer, you won't be able to transfer Adobe DRM-protected eBooks to other devices. In this case, any books you purchase or borrow will be tied to that computer. You can download or transfer the same eBook to up to six computers, tablets, smartphones, and eBook readers that have Adobe Digital Editions installed and authorized with the same Adobe ID.

Things to keep in mind about eBooks

  • Not all books are available in eBook format.
  • Most library eBook collections are designed for viewing in a browser on a computer.
  • Due to our licensing agreements with publishers, some eBooks in our collections are limited to one user at a time.
  • eBook files are typically in either PDF or ePub format. PDF files don’t adapt well to various-sized displays and devices, making it difficult to view some PDF files on small screens like those of smartphones, tablets, and eBook readers. ePub is the preferred eBook format because the text reflows to fit the screen dimensions. The ePub format also supports Digital Rights Management (DRM).

Can I Print/Copy & Paste from eBooks?

  • Yes, but eBooks are protected by copyright law just like printed publications.
  • As a guideline, South African copyright law permits you to print or copy no more than one chapter or 10% of a work, whichever is greater.
  • Different eBook suppliers and publishers have varying rules regarding this, but once these limits are reached, you will be unable to print or copy any more text from that eBook.
  • Some eBook software restricts printing to a limited number of pages or a limited number of pages per day. In such cases, the software will inform you of the number of pages you may print.

For more detailed information, please visit the suppliers’ websites.

Help with accessing eBooks

  • If you consistently encounter issues accessing an eBook, please contact your Faculty Librarian.