Alice Olije Odu & Dr Madely du Preez - Library users information seeking behaviour using mobile technologies: a literature review
Ditibane LT, Chanza MM & Motjolopane I - Factors influencing Information Literacy Development and Community Engagement in Rural Schools of North West Province, Mahikeng
Felix Chisoni - Cascading Informaiton Literacy in the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
Kegomodicwe Phuthi, Wellinton Sotu, Senovia Welman, Lee Goliath & Ronet Very - Integrating Library Information Research Skills training (lirst) into the curriculum, a case study at the University of the Free State (UFS)
Nambitha Manqola & Sibongiseni Mrwashu - Media literacy needs at Stellenbosch University with specific reference to Law students
Neli Kaunda, Tsholofelo Thulare, Manare Tshenye & Hendra Pretorius - Comprehensive Library and information service model for the blind and partially sighted: A collaborative approach
Prof. Ina Fourie - Undergraduate academic information literacy skills – exploring optimal training for the Internet and social media
Prof. Irina Zhilavskaya - Future of Media and Information Literacy: Russian perspective
Prof. Jako Olivier - Information ethics literacy for self-directed multimodal learning through open educational resources
Prof. Karin de Jager - From Scylla & Charybdis to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; or Navigating one's way through the Information Universe in the 21st century
Prof. Thomas P. Mackey - Building Communities of Trust: Metaliterate Learning for a Post-Truth Society
Prof. Trudi E. Jacobson - Creating Shareable Knowledge: Exploring the Synergy between Metaliteracy and Open Pedagogy
Prof. Trudi E. Jacobson and Prof. Thomas P. Mackey - Applying Metaliteracy in Teaching and Learning Practices
Teresa MacGregor - Desperate Undergrad Seeks Scholarly Article for Short Term Paper: Using Lonely Hearts Ads and Speed Dating to Introduce Students to Library Databases
Vicki Lawal & Connie Bitso - The Tripartite Matrix of Information Literacy, Critical Thinking and Every Day Life Information Seeking