Journal Publishing

Open Journal System at NWU

The NWU's NWU Open Journal System (OJS) is designed to support and enhance the work of academic journal editors, making the publishing process more efficient, transparent, and accessible. The platform supports the creation of open-access journals, providing flexibility regarding publication models. It allows for efficient hosting and management of academic journals, providing a seamless experience for editors and authors. The platform simplifies the journal publishing process with tools for article submission, peer review management, and publishing workflows. ORCID integration allows authors to link their work to their unique researcher profiles, improving visibility and proper attribution. Editors can easily oversee submissions, track the progress of articles through the review and editing process, and make informed decisions about the publication of each submission.

The NWU OJS provides numerous benefits to journal editors, such as streamlined workflow, enhanced collaboration, increased visibility through open access and indexing in global databases, quality control, peer review, customizable options, and comprehensive reporting.

Journal editors are supported in their efforts to have their journals included in the latest accredited journal lists. The criteria for applying and selecting journals for inclusion in the latest accredited journal lists can be found through the accredited indices listed below:

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