Disseminating Research Output

The NWU Open Access and RDM (draft) policies regulate public access to NWU research outputs such as dissertations and theses by master's and doctoral students, journal articles, books and book chapters, conference proceedings, research data, and other research outputs.

Systems and Tools

  • Research output produced at NWU is accessible on Boloka. The repository preserves and provides access to digitized content, special collections, and other collections.
  • Processed research data generated in any research study is available in the NWU Research Data Repository (DaYta Ya Rona) for Open Access.


LIS ensures that scholars' valuable research output, such as theses and dissertations, is preserved, accessible, visible, and effectively managed to benefit the scholarly community and beyond.

Caution! Postgraduate students should be cautious of predatory publishers who send unsolicited emails offering to publish their theses or dissertations as books. It is important to avoid these publishers and verify whether they are included in the latest accredited lists.

Systems and Tools

  • Browse Boloka for Theses and dissertations.
  • DaYta Ya Rona (Figshare) is a data repository that stores processed data from various research studies, including data supporting theses and dissertations.