The Library provides training to assist students and staff in using the library and its databases. Training sessions can be arranged for individuals or groups. We want to encourage our academics to organise training sessions for their students.
Training Material
Training Calendars
Types of Training
Undergraduate Training
Contact your Information Commons Librarian if you would like to arrange for a training session in any of the following:
- ALDA/ALDE Walk in course -English / Afrikaans
- Library Orientation
- Where to begin with an assignment
- Copyright and plagiarism
- Training undergraduate students in database searches, referencing, and bibliographic management.
Postgraduate Training
Contact your Faculty Librarian if you would like to arrange for a training session in any of the following:
- Database searches, including Nexus and ProQuest Theses & Dissertations.
- Referencing techniques and bibliographic management
- Understanding bibliometrics and altmetrics.
- Setting up an ORCID and other researcher IDs to enhance research impact.
- Selecting appropriate journals for publication.
- Understanding author guidelines for journal article submissions.
- Copyright and plagiarism
- Interlibrary Loans
Research and Open Scholarship Training
Contact your Research and Open Scholarship Librarian if you would like to arrange for a training session in any of the following:
- Accredited Journals: Choosing a Journal for Publication.
Everything you need to know about journals before I publish (e.g. in which journal to publish, guidelines for authors when submitting a journal article) - Creating an ORCID.
- DaYta Ya Rona (figshare)
- EndNote
- Google Forms
- iThenticate
- MS Word Postgraduate template
- Open Access - Transformative Agreements.
- Research Impact
- Research Data Management
- Utilizing tools like DMPTool and other data analysis tools.
- Social Media - Strategies for promoting research on social media platforms.
- Presenting - Best Practices
- Self-submission of research output on Boloka (NWU Institutional Repository)