Interlibrary Loans

What are Interlibrary Loans Requests?

Interlibrary Loans (ILL) provide a service to postgraduate students and researchers by obtaining material not owned by the North-West University Libraries. The Library offers documents to other national and international libraries through a nationwide interlibrary loan network. The service is available to registered Masters and Doctoral students, academics, and research staff.

How to submit an Interlibrary Loans request

STEP 1: Make sure that the Library does not own the item.

STEP 2: Request the item via WorldCat Discovery.

Where is the interlibrary loans desk?

  • Mahikeng: This section is situated in the library foyer.
  • Potchefstroom: This section is situated in the foyer of the Ferdinand Postma Library.
  • Vanderbijlpark: This section is on the Library's ground floor beside the Reserve desk.

Office hours

  • Books can be collected and returned to the libraries' Interlending Desk.
  • You may collect and return materials from the respective libraries' Circulation Desks outside office hours.
  • Mahikeng: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
  • Potchefstroom: Monday - Friday: 07:30 - 16:30
  • Vanderbijlpark: Monday - Friday: 07:30 - 16:30

How long will delivery take?

  • Books: ± 3 weeks
  • Articles: ± 1-10 days
  • Delays may occur due to factors beyond the staff's control, such as books out on loan or journals that may be in the bindery or circulating at branch libraries.

Notification of arrival of books and articles

  • Articles:
    • Articles will be sent to the user's email address.
  • Books:
    • Users residing in Mahikeng, Potchefstroom, or Vanderbijlpark will receive a notice to collect the book from the ILL desk.
    • The books of users not residing in Mahikeng, Potchefstroom, or Vanderbijlpark will be couriered to them upon request.
    • The user must return the books to the Library personally or via courier.

Loan period of books

The supplying Library determines loan periods.

  • The loan period for national books is ± 3 - 8 weeks.
  • No international books are requested.
  • Return books on time and ensure you are aware of the expiry in the book.
  • Each book will be issued with a book strap.
  • The expiry date will appear on the book strap. The user is responsible for returning the ILL book on or before the expiry date.
  • Please do not remove the book strap before you return the ILL book to the Library. You may move it to the back of the ILL book while using it. The strap helps you and the ILL section to identify the book as an ILL book when it is returned to the Library.
  • Overdue fees: Overdue fees will be R10.00 per book per day.


  • Some libraries grant no renewals, but some allow for ONE renewal.
  • Please provide the Request ID on the book strap (at all times) when you renew your book(s) or enquire by telephone or email.
  • Provide the original patron expiration date on the book strap for renewal.

Costs involved in Interlending services

  • National: As far as possible, no charges are attached to articles and books. Courier costs apply outside the Gauteng region.
  • International: We try to acquire electronic copies of articles that are available for free. If not possible, an article costs approximately 18 USD - 50 USD, depending on the length of the text. The price will be communicated beforehand and appear on the user's account. No international books are requested.

Useful links


Contact Information


Contact person: James Kolodi | Email: | Tel.: +27 (0)18 389 2419
Courier address: North-West University, Mahikeng Library: Interlibrary Loans, Building A-7, Corner of Dr Albert Luthuli and University Drive, MMABATHO, 2745 [Maps and directions]


Contact persons: Seka Sizani-Kelobang or Itumeleng Khunoane | Email address: | Tel.: +27 (0)18 299 2793
Courier address: North-West University, Ferdinand Postma Library: Interlibrary Loans, Building E7A, Hoffman Street 11, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531 [Maps and directions]


Contact person: Siyabonga Sithole | Email address: | Tel.: +27 (0)16 910 3044
Courier address: North-West University, Vanderbijlpark Library: Interlibrary Loans, Building A14, Hendrik van Eck Blvd, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1900 [Maps and directions]