Access & User Categories

Access to NWU Libraries and Databases

NWU students and staff

  • Only registered students and staff members of the North-West University may access our libraries and databases.
    • Physical facilities: To access any of the NWU libraries, you must have a valid university card.
    • My Account: Access your account with your CAS username and password.
    • Databases: Access to databases is provided via CAS.

Prospective M and PhD students

Members of the public

  • External members who wish to borrow material or use the physical library spaces must apply for the services by completing our External membership application form.
  • The completed form and/or proof of payment may be handed in at one of our Circulation desks or sent to us via email.
    Mahikeng: | Potchefstroom: | Vanderbijlpark:
  • Membership fees and conditions:


    Membership Fees and Conditions
    Alumni R400,00 (Subscription: January - December with lending rights) + R80,00 (Diverse access card - payments must be paid to Security Services)
    Please provide a copy of your ID document and recent proof of residence. The library will obtain evidence from the Alumni Office.
    Borrowing privileges, NO database access.
    Community R1200,00 (Subscription: January - December with lending rights) + R80,00 (Diverse access card - fees must be paid to Security Services)
    Please provide a copy of your ID document and recent proof of residence.
    Borrowing privileges, NO database access.
    Day User R50,00 (per day)
    No borrowing benefits and NO database access.
    Staff may assist with catalogue searches and photocopies.
    Short courses R200,00 - Diverse card provided by course organiser.
    No borrowing privileges and NO database access.
    UNISA Your department arranges for diverse access cards and guest registration on ITP.
    No borrowing benefits, do have access to databases.

Click here for a complete list of our user categories and services.

Access to other University Libraries - Letter of Introduction

A Letter of Introduction contains a request for permission to use another university library. The request is made by the NWU Library and Information Service on behalf of a student or staff member. NWU LIS accepts requests from other university libraries to use our libraries, and the service is provided per the CHELSA Memorandum of Understanding.

The service is available to registered Masters' and Doctoral students, academics, and research staff.

Grounds for issuing Letters of Introduction:

  • Evidence of inadequate NWU's library resources in a particular academic area.
  • Special research requirements that cannot be met by the NWU's Library and Information Service.
  • A Letter of Introduction will not be provided merely for those wishing to access another institution's library.
  • Read through the Memorandum of Understanding to ascertain if you qualify for a letter of introduction.


User categories - How many books can I take out, and for how long?

Membership Category Number of items Loan period (days) Database Access Help with Information Searches Interlibrary Loans
Undergraduates 6 14 Yes Information Commons No
4th-year degree and Honours students 10 30 Yes Honours Commons No
Post-graduates (M and Ph.D.) 15 30 Yes Research Commons & Faculty Librarians Yes
Academic staff 20 90 Yes Research Commons & Faculty Librarians Yes
Support Staff 10 30 Yes Information Commons Yes
Managerial & Professional staff 15 90 Yes Information Commons Yes
Alumni (with borrowing rights) 4 14 No Information desk No
Community members 2 14 No Information desk No

Click here for a complete list of our user categories and services.